And finally, the fruit of all the six month's labor: my report card, which I am so proud of that I will post it here!

Well, time flew and flew. Soon, it was time to buzz off to Budapest for a few days, with my boss. I went to the Gellert-bath (pictured above), which was an absolute highlight; first, the 36 C pool, then the 38er, then the steambath, then the wave pool... Im definitely taking whoever I show Budapest to, next time.

Back from Prague, life went on as usual a few days... With our coffee breaks getting lengthier and lengthier. Soon, I had an urge to go on another trip, this time with my Romanian crew. Enter Marius (l.) Andy, Sherban. Heidelberg could come.

A last check of our supplies before a go-go.

If you want to see more beautiful pictures of the city, I suggest you Google "Prague". We were at the Castle, learnt new vocab words like "defenestration" (look it up!) visited the old Synagogue, the Cemetery & da Ghetto, the Cathedral. Then, miraculously, even the Germans joined in that evening. Above: preparations.

Hung over in Prague. "The Pretty little streets..." I wrote in my journal, "are pretty yellow... in Prague.."

Above: Note I wrote to the Germans (with Geoffroy dictating) after coming home in the morning. I would need another course in hermeneutics to interpret.

From ontop of the prague castle. Sorry I couldnt get them to spell out your name.

obligatory head-scratching after arrival.

Nomen est omen

Back to civilization. Time was flying, so were the hard days at the office. By that time, Joanna, the Polish intern had arrived and proceeded to pep up the rabót at work. Right after she arrived, the hard core of AIESEC people took a trip to Prague. Above: Joanna sleeping on the train.

Berti surveys damage done, preferring to leave the second position for the masters of the art. All alcohol consumed was in accordance with German purity laws, including above bottles for 25 cents a bottle.

Geoffroy assumes second position as Berti prepares to assume first position;

Ah, those special moments of youth. Witness homo ludens at bongus beerus (0.5l in 5 s). Shown here: Geoffroy assumes First Position.

Geffroy in full dress.

The Walhalla

No, we did not go to Athens for these pictures. All it took was a day-long bike trip to the Walhalla. Above: Nora and I at the (W)acropolis.

Here is part of the crew... I wont go into names. Lets just say that luckily, German girls are quite the drinkers, which is why the trip back did not pass without incident.

Snap back to reality. Witness our trip to Bergkirchweih, which is a type of Octoberfest.

Ah Düsseldorf! I have a lot of pix, but the city wasn't really beautiful, so I'll spare you. Instead, an impression of the main street, at night.

Here I was at the fair... I don't remember much about anymore, except that there were a lot of machines that moved chocolate bars around.
Also, I got a lot of free beer, courtesy of a guy who insisted that he was a consultant for our company...

Bah! Do you feel it? All that culture is having your mouse cursor gyrate towards "close window!" We must therefore quickly escape from this land of rococo reliefs, porcelain statuettes, and bronze horses that shoot water through their noseholes. What better way than to ride along to a large industry fair with two cellular-totin businessmen? The relative calm on the picture is largely show - we were driving to Düsseldorf with over 200 km/h. At that speed, no one can see you phone...

Poor old Loodwig (sic)! Im not sure I share his adoration for Wagner (above, a set he designed for Parsifal), but he certainly had a flair for extravagant arhitecture!

But enough about work, and back to the TRIP (Trip Regensburg In Pictures). I went to Neuschwanstein with Kathrin. Naturally, we were greeted by sunshine.

Also of note at Krones AG was my boss Wolfgang, the quintessential German, who I became friends with; he showed me his home city of Frankfurt and also took me along to Hungary. Unfortunately, the Frankfurt pictures are all lost, courtesy of my CD burners moodyness.

Well, of course life couldn't just be fun and games all the time! After all - theoretically at least - I was in RB to work!!(?) Above, you see the building where I worked. Luckily, the lovely co-intern Nora helped pep up the otherwise terribly bleak landscape.

Above is the only picture I found of ma player Jatzek, a guy I often went partying with the first few months. Witnessing Jatzeks art was a lesson in suaveness (and cynisism). Here he is 'opening a set'.

Back to my dorm life, where I discovered that having a good time doesn't grow on trees... it has to be nurtured. Above a good example. Here I am with Aurelie at one of the famous Bar nights.

Yes, I admit it, I like photographing people even more than buildings. Will you forgive me if I tell you that this time, it is through a funky mirror at the Valentinsmuseum? Vamsi, Brigitte, Joseph.

Travel constituted much of my free time. Above you see Munich, a city I visited 7 times while in RB; at the end I became sort of a guide, even leading Germans around! Above a pic from the Frauenkirche and the very baroque Asamkirche; followed by yet another cultural highlight, Joseph and I smoking cigars and hopefully discussing jazz at a Vietnamese restaurant.

Well, let us step back and focus on the less high-percentage activities for now. One of the big scoops of the trip was the cultural part. Above you will see a detail of the Nürnberg castle, obscured by the company of the Columbian guy, lovely Lena from AIESEC RB, Vamsi the Indian eXchange dude, Kathrin (A-RB), and Ludovic "the gigolo with a conscience" de Marseille.

Regensburg. It supposedly has the biggest pub density of any city in the world; now this might or might not be a goshdang lie, but after having a few beers, does it really matter? Above a pic from Murphys Law, one of the first among many, many pub visits. From left to right: yours truly, Elisabeth, Fabian, Aurelie.

Speaking of landmarks, lo and behold, Regensburgs most prominent structure, the one that dwarfs all others & gracefully shames all the crummy modern architecture around it... Our lady the Dom. She not only captivates the denizens of the city with her beauty, she also spared many a bicycle-mounted tourist a wrong turn through the guidance of her high-high towers...

It was cold & snowy when I arrived, but my reception was nevertheless a warm one. Above, you can see one of the landmarks of Regensburg, the old stone bridge. In front, there is a Columbian from AIESEC Passau trying to hop of the way... The poor Columbians were certainly not used to this weather... neither was I, for that matter...
And so the story begins, sometime early 2005, in this brick building. It is where I lived for 6 months, first in the room with the left middle window... then in what could be called a windowless rathole in the same building, and finally in something civilized again, meaning a room resembling the first one.