Saturday, February 23, 2008

I'm thinking of getting a Harley-Davidson...

I admit that with trends in the family, it's often like the America-Europe paradigm for us in our family: my brother seems to be ahead by 3 years or so with every trend. About that much time ago, my bro bought himself a Speed Triple.

Today, he got free tickets to the Swiss Moto 08 and I trepidatiously agreed to go with him and Ildi to check out what the fuss was about.

Amm... ehh... look behind you...
Adam and Ildi trying some Honda Cruiser
Me on the Harley I would consider my favourite. I already had infos sent home... A slight detail is that I would have to learn how to actually ride a motorcycle. I have already talked to Adam's instructor and he told me step one is to go to a trial lesson, to see how far I am already. I think I'll do that, once I'm in Basel and I have some time.

Road trippin'

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My new flat in the heart of Basel

Tomorrow, I'm signing the documents for starting my new existence. I got real lucky, and found a charming, over 70 square meter flat in the historic city, literally 20m from Basel's heart, the Barfüsserplatz.
Arrows point to the flat's windows, and to the right, the Barfüsserplatz can be seen.

The staircase...

The living room, with the outjutting bay window. Im planning to buy a projector, so I can show movies on the large wall to the back ;)

The bedroom

The roomy kitchen

The kitchen panel

The bathroom