I am ashamed.
No sooner was my site starting to become popular with broader audiences than I suddenly realized that innocent newcomers are being welcomed with more boring, pseudo- intellectual reading than ever before.
Now, not that I don't appreciate the avid discussions that some of these monster texts incur, but I do believe that dead flies is and should be targeted towards a neo-illiterate, illustration-craving audience. So without further ado, here a picture from one of my previous posts more in tune with the dead flies philosophy.

I hope that gives us some food for thought.
Anyway, I hope to see all new visitors again, soon. By that time, I promise, I will have
taken more vacation and will again post in the usual, nihilist style that all my regular readers are so fond of.
hehe...I am a reader...and as I am not the one who writes about life and his philosophical outcomes...I also don't comment those things...so I appreciate all your not to sophisticated entry's...
your-blog-reader joe
Hey berti,
thanks for your nice comment on my blog! I'm very much looking forward to see you soon at ACT and to party with you!!
Hi Berti
Having read through the stream of posts coming onto your blog the past few weeks, i can't help asking myself: "How did i miss out on this for so long?!"
It's not just because your blog makes me laugh out loud (that happens with the frequency of a Thai Military Coup...) But more than that, i really love the mix of humour & sarcasm with critical perspectives and interesting topics.
How is LCP life turing out so far? I hope you are enjoying the challenge! And i look forward to reading more success stories on the LC Blog ;)
Take care, best of luck, and keep writing. Please :)
Viciously hilarious blog :)
See you at ACT!
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