Ah yes. What bogus road trip would be complete without the obligatory escape-from the world, final destination, road-ends here beach picture? None of course; and so, neither was ours, until we went to the beach near Bordeaux.
And to prove to you that Im not lying about this being symptomatic, here a random picture of Sandfoort on our Amsterdam road trip 3 years ago;

followed by one from our time in Oostende early last year (notice the apocalyptic name for added effect on this last one). So obviously, I'm not just riding clichés here. Facts prove time and time again:
final destination beaches are part of every well-staged decadent road trip these days.
Ok, anyway, back to the main plot. Unlike the Bordeaux wine from the
vineyard, we didnt really let the city unfold its bouquet all too much, arriving deep in the evening and leaving early in the morning the next day; instead, we got to see Nantes in quite vivid detail, including this spooky night shot of the back gate of Nantes castle... now how useful was that while you were trying to free that imprisoned princess?

Actually, we ourselves chose all too often to leave the princes to the knights, preferring to leave our nights to the obligatory pizza-and-juice hostel sessions. Pictured: Richard, Luis, Mary-Louise, Juice, assorted bevarages, pizza.

We then chose to move to more elegant surroundings, were dinner was served:

(no actually, this picture is from the Louvre I visited the week afterwards, but having accidentally made it into this post, it's such a beauty, I dont have the heart to take it out again...)
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