Prüfungszeit gets to you, probably like the way 'Nam got to you, in those days. First, it probably only made you harder, but then, you know, it started messing with your mind... Thats why Im posting this right now. To prove to you that you don't need to be pumped full of LSD to fail the creative writing competition with only one entrand called my blog.
You see, there are three types of blogs. There are those like Philippe's, which attempt to retain high hit statistics by posting +/- useful, niche-market information. There are those that bask in the glory of exhibitionistic hedonism, like my brother's entry. There are travel blogs, which, if the person knows how to live, are a particularly crass undercategory of this category.
Finally, there are the rest, which overload you with the -let's face it- rather freaky "creative" world of the suffering, yet explosively self-absorbed guy or girl making it. For the rest of us, these artist websites are about as exciting as watching a concert for cymbals and solo harp.
So now for my revolutionary concept: FUSION. That's right. You see, in economics, we learn that with economies of scale, sometimes the sum effect of merger can be bigger than the mere addition of its parts... That's why, from now on, as before, this site will be bringing you informative pictures of hedonistic activity with comments by an explosively creative yet - ah, you get the picture.
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