On other news, I have somehow landed in FRENCH IV, aka. the hardest French class; I'm one of the two boys in the class of about 15, which is somehow typical of high-workload courses in general here; apparently, the men here seem to have found more lucrative endeavours, like shirking work and occasionally bumming beer from my giant refrigerator.
The university St. Gallen has written me, and has decided to accept all my "reccommendations" for how the credits should be transferred; I guess the absolute holy terror, (including the sending of pathos-laden mails with sentences like "... es macht keinen Sinn, hier Kurse zu nehmen, ohne bescheid zu wissen, ob sie mir überhaupt angerechnet werden.... ") has finally paid off!!!
Finally, a few colleagues, most notably me and Luis from Mexico, saw a car the other day for 700 Euros, and started fantasizing about doing road trips in France; now how cool would that be? If I had the money, I'd do it, but I certainly don't, plus, that seems like a hard sell to my parents at home...
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