Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Second full day in Paris

Well, all of you who were on academic exchange will know that the first three days seem to take forever, then, all other days fly by like [insert the name of a very fast bird here]. Knowing this, I decided to leverage the extra time by doing something I usually have trouble squeezing into my repertoire: go to the gym and lift weights senslessly for 1 hour, known to germans as pumpen. In the gym, I found (suspiciously) thin frenchmen, with one of whom I started a conversation. How I liked it in France was his first question, and whether Paris was the most beautiful city in the world was the second. Well, judging by his complexion, I prolly would have gotten away with a double negative, but, I thought, why not be nice and soothe his Gallic soul with a bit of sweet talk...

Now, how bout some random pictures I took not long ago:

another from the RER on my way here, continuing the story on the previous post...
Ma chambre, with ma laptop.
The view today morning. There was a mistake, I did not order snow.
self portrait with bed and shawl.
My lunch, alu-foil style.

And now, my cheries, Im going to go shopping in Joy-en-Josas, and Ill bring you some pix....

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