Well, here I am sitting in my room, after a long day of crawling the capital yesterday followed by a gratuitous binge-sleeping session till 12 today morning. Far from reporting In Westen Nichts Neues, there are several fun facts I want to share with you, in condensed form, of course.
Im glad to report the Eiffel tower is still standing; I subjected the great needle to a véritable strip-tease as I approached her from the east, revealing more and more of her iron-clad beauty as she slipped from behind a line of Parisian apartment buildings; ooh, here she is in her dotted dress:

with this fascinating, beautiful "upskirt" shot of the core:
well to sum it up, the monument is just huge in every respect! I mean, I think it beats any skyscraper because of its singular "approachability", exposure, and naked grace!
So, apart from these little nightly adventures, what else did we do?
Well, we took pictures of the turbid Seine, where my body is perhaps going to be thrown into: We took a little rest, to have a drink at an even littler cafe, out of even smaller little coffee cups (check out how everyone is trying to dive out of this picture, btw... poor Austin was caught in the middle, feeling perhaps a bit uncomfortable at not being able to slip away...)
plus, we posed the obligatory student-tourist-group picture
and we risked our lives, in traffic, to take pictures for YOU.
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